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n4:virtuoso n5:virtuoso-general-faq-2023.ttl n7:products
Answer to question: Is database interaction possible through an API? Answer to question: Is database interaction possible through an API?
Yes. We support a variety of interfaces and mechanisms, including SQL-style interfaces (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, etc.), HTTP, SPARQL, and others, allowing use of most common DB-interaction tools, supporting SQL, SPARQL, and SPASQL (SPARQL-in-SQL) queries, and delivering results in SQL-style tabular form, various RDF serializations, etc. These enable development of new integrations — often without specific cost — in a wide range of programming and script languages, including C/C+/C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, OpenRDF Sesame, Eclipse RDF4J, Apache Jena, and more. In most cases, development of an integration for Virtuoso really means development of an integration for an open standard or specification, which means no Virtuoso lock-in, and also means that integration with other platforms is included as a "built-in" of this Virtusoo integration. Yes. We support a variety of interfaces and mechanisms, including SQL-style interfaces (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, etc.), HTTP, SPARQL, and others, allowing use of most common DB-interaction tools, supporting SQL, SPARQL, and SPASQL (SPARQL-in-SQL) queries, and delivering results in SQL-style tabular form, various RDF serializations, etc. These enable development of new integrations — often without specific cost — in a wide range of programming and script languages, including C/C+/C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, OpenRDF Sesame, Eclipse RDF4J, Apache Jena, and more. In most cases, development of an integration for Virtuoso really means development of an integration for an open standard or specification, which means no Virtuoso lock-in, and also means that integration with other platforms is included as a "built-in" of this Virtusoo integration. Yes. We support a variety of interfaces and mechanisms, including SQL-style interfaces (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, etc.), HTTP, SPARQL, and others, allowing use of most common DB-interaction tools, supporting SQL, SPARQL, and SPASQL (SPARQL-in-SQL) queries, and delivering results in SQL-style tabular form, various RDF serializations, etc. These enable development of new integrations — often without specific cost — in a wide range of programming and script languages, including C/C+/C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, OpenRDF Sesame, Eclipse RDF4J, Apache Jena, and more. In most cases, development of an integration for Virtuoso really means development of an integration for an open standard or specification, which means no Virtuoso lock-in, and also means that integration with other platforms is included as a "built-in" of this Virtusoo integration. Yes. We support a variety of interfaces and mechanisms, including SQL-style interfaces (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, etc.), HTTP, SPARQL, and others, allowing use of most common DB-interaction tools, supporting SQL, SPARQL, and SPASQL (SPARQL-in-SQL) queries, and delivering results in SQL-style tabular form, various RDF serializations, etc. These enable development of new integrations — often without specific cost — in a wide range of programming and script languages, including C/C+/C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, OpenRDF Sesame, Eclipse RDF4J, Apache Jena, and more. In most cases, development of an integration for Virtuoso really means development of an integration for an open standard or specification, which means no Virtuoso lock-in, and also means that integration with other platforms is included as a "built-in" of this Virtusoo integration.