. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Installation Guide" . "
  1. Download the Installer Archive (e.g., Linux Installer Archive from the download site) to a designated installation directory.
  2. \n
  3. Un-tar the file to obtain the install script and archive file using a command like this, where XX specifies the OS identifier (e.g., l9 = Linux glibc25 x86_64, sv = Solaris 2.10 x86_64, etc.):\n
    tar xvf XXvpz2zz.tar
  4. \n
  5. If you don't already have a license file, one can be obtained by clicking on the Generate Evaluation License button in step 1. \n
    • A copy of the license file will also be stored in your OpenLink Data Spaces Briefcase folder.
    • \n
    • If a license file exists, place this in the same directory as the installation files, and it will automatically be applied during installation.
    • \n
    • If upgrading an existing Virtuoso instance, be sure to take a backup of your database file and shut down the existing instance before proceeding.
    • \n
  6. \n
  7. Run the install script using the following command:\n
    $ sh install.sh
    \n \n Extracting Virtuoso Universal Server v8.3
    \n Checking where license file should be stored
    \n Please make sure all licenses are stored in: \"/etc/oplmgr\"
    \n Checking for initial Virtuoso license
    \n Starting OpenLink License Manager
    \n Using License directory \"/etc/oplmgr\"
    \n Creating default environment settings
    \n Creating default database settings
    \n Configuring: database
    \n Creating directory $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database/backup
    \n Creating directory $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database/logs
    \n Installing new virtuoso.ini in $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database
    \n Installing new php.ini in $VIRTUOSO_HOME/database
    \n Creating symlink to $VIRTUOSO_HOME/bin/virtuoso-iodbc-t
    \n Registering ODBC drivers
    \n Registering .NET provider for Mono
    \n Finalizing installation\n

    This concludes the first part of the installation.

  8. \n
  9. To start the Virtuoso database, please use the following command:\n
    $ bin/virtuoso-start.sh

    After the Virtuoso database successfully started, you can continue setting up your database by opening the following URL in your browser:


    Installation completed.

  10. \n
  11. Run the \u201Cbin/virtuoso-start.sh\u201D script to start the Virtuoso database. This will either start the existing database (if it is an upgrade) or create a new database in the \u201Cdatabase\u201D directory with an initial-password set for it:\n
    $ bin/virtuoso-start.sh
    \n \n Checking the OpenLink License Manager
    \n Using License directory \"/etc/oplmgr\"
    \n Starting Virtuoso instance in [database]
    \n Generating a random password
    \n Initializing the new database
    \n NOTE: The new database has been initialized with a randomly generated password for both dba and dav accounts. Make sure you change it at your earliest opportunity. The password has been saved to disk in: database/.initial-password
    \n Starting the database\n
  12. \n
  13. Check the \u201Cdatabase/.initial-password\u201D file to see what the random password has been set to for the database:\n
    $ cat database/.initial-password \nsH7YX2kp
  14. \n
  15. The Virtuoso Conductor Database Administration Web interface \u201Chttp://hostname:8890/conductor\u201D can now be logged into using the password above.
  16. \n
  17. If Conductor login is successful, the installation is now ready for use.
  18. \n
\n\n" . . "http://data.openlinksw.com/oplweb/dbms_family/OpenLinkVirtuoso#this" . "http://data.openlinksw.com/oplweb/opsys_family/GenericLinux" . . . . . "How Do I Install Virtuoso on Linux and other Unix Operating Systems?" . . . . . . .