. "How Do I Install or Update Virtuoso Releases across Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, and CentOS, via the OpenLink Nexus Repo: Step 6" . . "6"^^ . "Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04 LTS and Debian 10 / 11\n\nThe following command sequence can be use to install the Virtuoso 8.3 RPM packages on Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04 LTS and Debian 10 / 11 systems, whether in the Cloud or on-premise standalone systems.\n\n1. Run the following commands to install Virtuoso from the OpenLink Nexus Repository 1:\n\n apt update\n wget https://nexus.openlinksw.com/repository/openlink-files/openlink-repo.deb\n apt install ./openlink-repo.deb\n apt update\n apt install virtuoso-8-commercial-full\n\n2. If no errors are reported during the installation, run the following command to enable the Virtuoso instance to auto-start on reboot:\n\n sudo systemctl enable virtuoso\n\nThe Virtuoso installation is now hooked into the OpenLink Nexus Repository 6 and updated to the latest Virtuoso components, and can be started and stopped with the Linux service commands:\n\n sudo service virtuoso { start | status | stop }\n\nThe latest Virtuoso packages can be obtained from the OpenLink Nexus Repository with the command:\n\n sudo apt-get upgrade" . . . .